our members



The benefits of ETP4HPC membership for a (small) SME

Constelcom joined ETP4HPC in December 2018 as an associated member. This proved so positive for our company that we quickly upgraded to full member. In June 2019, ETP4HPC let us have one of the co-exhibitor slots on their booth at the ISC conference in Frankfurt. ISC was a fantastic experience for our young company: it made us fully visible in the HPC community, and we were able to…


A testimony from an INDUSTRIAL COMPANY on the benefits of being an ETP4HPC member

Seagate is a full member / Corporate European organisation. These are the benefits Seagate have seen as an industry participant being part of the ETP4HPC:

1. Better awareness of the market ecosystem for European HPC: It was important for us to get a sense of the main players in the different sub-sectors within HPC in the technology and services provision in Europe. ETP4HPC has helped to develop that over the course of our participation over many years.

2. Helping to be part of setting strategic direction for EC HPC R&D: This was mainly…

join us to build a world-class HPC technology industry in Europe!


  • _1

    A technology provider (i.e. manufacturer of HPC /supercomputing/ technology)

  • _2

    A research centre performing HPC technology research

  • _3

    An industrial user of HPC looking for advanced technological HPC systems

  • _4

    A computing centre working on HPC technology or innovative HPC system operation

  • _5

    An ISV facing the multi-core/new architectures disruption

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The advantage of
ETP4HPC membership

As a member of our association,
you will be able to: 


the definition of the European R&D HPC strategy by contributing to the ETP4HPC Strategic Research Agenda. You will be part of an organisation that shapes the future of European HPC and participates in all important decision-making processes in this field. 


with other members and the entire European HPC ecosystems in our Member’s Area or during our events.  


evolutions related to your activity.


your actions with those of other members.


your organization’s visibility and voice. 


HPC knowledge and resources.

Exclusive services available to Full SME Members:
co-exhibiting with ETP4HPC on major HPC tradeshows; presence in ETP4HPC sponsored publications and other media.

2 types of

Full (active) member

Any organisation with significant research and development activities in Europe related to HPC technology.

Full members have the right to vote at our General Assemblies to elect the Steering Board and can also be elected to the Steering Board. 

Annual membership fees for 2024:  

  • Large Companies (Categories C – European Corporations and D – Global Corporations): 6000€ 
  • Research Organisations (Category B): 3000€ 
  • SMEs (Category A): 2100€ 


Annual membership fees as of 2025:

  • Large Companies (Categories C – European Corporations and D – Global Corporations): 8000€ 
  • Research Organisations (Category B): 4000€ 
  • SMEs (Category A): 2500€ 

associated member

Any company or organisation active in the HPC area, even without significant research in the field of HPC technology. 

Associated members cannot vote or be elected to the Steering Board but they can participate in all activities of the association.

Annual membership fees for 2024:  

  • Large Companies/Organisations: 2000€ 
  • SMEs: 350€ 


Annual membership fees as of 2025:

  • Large Companies/Organisations: 2500€ 
  • SMEs (Category A): 500€ 


Fees do not include VAT in cases where this is applicable.

Application process:




DOWnload and fill in the membership application form

send it to


You will be contacted by a member of our Office
to discuss the membership further.

The ETP4HPC Steering Board approves your application. 
A member of our Office will then get back to you
to finalize your admission.

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