New Members - April - June 2024

GE Avio SRL - A New Associated Member

Exaion - a French SME, a new Associated Member.

New Members - Jan - March 2024

Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH - Full Member/B - Research Category

AWS (Amazon Web Services) - Full Member in the D - Global Organisations category








omnium rerum solutions GmbH - a new SME onboard

New Members - April - June 2023

Politecnico di Torino - a new Full Member in the Research category


CGG Services SAS - a new Full Member in the European Companies category

Codasip GmbH - an associated SME member


New Members - JULY - SEPT 2022

UbiOps - a Dutch SME

Blockheating B.V. - a Dutch SME


New members - APRIL - JUNE 2022

Tachyum - an SME from Slovakia is our latest member.

CNRS of France - our latest member in the Full/Research category


New members - JAN - MARCH 2022

KU Leuven - a new member in the Full/Research Organisations category


Northern Data, a new associated memeber in the Corporate European Organisation category


New members - SEP - DEC 2021

akquinet health service GmbH - an SME from Germany, our latest Associated member


Airbus - Our latest addition to the Full Members' group

SiPearl - previously an associated member - has now become a full member in the SME cohort.

Cluster Power - a Romanian SME - is our new Associated Member.

New members - APRIL - JUNE 2021

Do IT Now - A French SME (a full member)

logo DoIT now

Vicomtech - A Technology Centre in the Basque Country


New Members - JANUARY - MARCH 2021

PLDA - a French SME has also joined our Association.


Xilinx - a Full member in the D/International companies (with research in Europe) category.

Semidynamics Technology Services S.L.U. - an SME based in Barcelona, a full member

Logo Semidynamics

Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) - a new Associated member from Greece

New members - October - December 2020

We are delighted to welcome our first member fully dedicated to the development of  Quantum Computing technology: French SME PASQAL joins ETP4HPC as an associated member

Swedish SME ZeroPoint Technologies joins ETP4HPC as an associated member

French SME EMG2 become an associated member

SIPEARL - a French SME and now also an Associated Member of ETP4HPC

New Members - July - Sept 2020

We are very proud to welcome our 100th member:

EXAPSYS (EXAscale Performance Systems) - a Greek SME, associated member

Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF), representing the Max Planck Society, becomes a full member as a Research Organisation

Thales Research and Technology France has joined us as a Full Member in the European Corporations college


New Members - APRIL - JUNE 2020

HypeAccelerator Solutions Limited - a UK-based SME, associated member

Leonardo S.p.A - an Italian corporation

CERFACS - a French research organisation

Graphcore - a UK-based corporation


New Members - January - March 2020

  • Cendio AB - a Swedish SME, Associated member


Agenium Scale - a French SME, associated member

New MemBers - July - September 2019

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR) / German Aerospace Center - a Full Research organisation Member

EOFS - European Open File System - a new associated member

Sicos - an associated member - has beocome a Full Member in the SME Category.  This reflects the recent trend of Associated Members moving into the Full Membership category.


New MemBers - April - June 2019

Constelcom Ltd (an SME from the UK) becomes a Full Member

M3E - an SME from Italy (a spin-off off the University of Padova /UNIPD/ is a new SME Full Member

University of Padova (Italy) is a new Full Research Organisation Member

New Members - Jan - march 2019

Fabriscale - a Norwegian SME (an associate member)



New Members - October - december 2018

University of A Coruna - Full member in Category B - Research Organisations

LINKS Foundation - Full member in Category B - Research Organisations

Inspur - Associated member /Global Corporation/

Constellcom Ltd - Associated member /SME/

Saiver SRL - Associated member /SME/

New Members - APRIL-JUNE 2018

  • Submer - a Full Member in the SME Category (A)

  • UCit - an Associated Member (an SME)


New Members - January-March 2018


  • TS-JFL – SME/Associated Member

Mellanox - Global Corporation/Full Membership

New Members - October-December 2017

  • NEC - Associated Member

NEC is a leading provider of HPC solutions, focusing on sustained performance for real-life scientific and engineering applications. To achieve this goal NEC delivers technology and professional services to industry and academia. Linux-based HPC clusters as well as our high-end vector systems meet the different needs of different customers in the most flexible way.

Iceotope - Associated Member, SME

"ICEOTOPE is the home of cutting edge liquid cooling technology. Designed and manufactured in the UK, our patented technology delivers greater efficiency - occupying less space, creating less noise demanding less cost and consuming less energy.

We don’t use air to cool our computers. Any components that generate heat are fully immersed in a completely safe, non-flammable coolant. It’s simply more efficient, so you don’t need unwieldy, energy-hungry and noisy air-conditioning systems. It even offers the opportunity to recover and reuse waste heat – providing a sustainable source for heating the office or generating electricity.”

University of Heidelberg  - Full Member, Research Organisation


New Members - JULY-SEPTEMBER 2017

Since the end of June we have had the pleasure of welcoming five new members to ETP4HPC.

Full members:

  • IFP Energies nouvelles – Research organisation

Associated members:

  • 2CRSI – SME
  • HPCNow! – SME
  • Asperitas – SME
  • UNIZG-FER – Research organisation


IFP Energies nouvelles is a public industrial and commercial establishment, under the authority of the French Minister in charge of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, which is a major research and training player in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. From research to industry, technological innovation is central to all its activities.

2CRSI is a new generation of hardware manufacturer that does TrueDifferentiation, providing innovation and optimization for performance, density and efficiency. Real Expert of high-performance computing, storage servers and appliances.

HPCNow! provides its customers with solutions and technologies for dealing with most complex problems in High Performance Computing Science. The company has experts in several fields, capable of providing services which cover multiple areas such as cluster design, supercomputer administration and user support.

Asperitas is a solution provider for the HPC market offering infrostructures solutions based on a technology concept we call Immersed Computing. Together with development partners, University of Leeds, Vienna Scientific Cluster and many industry partners, they have developed a technology called Immersed Computing.

UNIZ-FER University of Zagreb, Croatia (1669) is the oldest and biggest university in South-Eastern Europe. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) at University of Zagreb is the leading Croatian and regional academic and R&D institution in the field of electrical engineering and ICT and is constituted of 12 departments.


New Members - April-June 2017

Since the end of March we have had the pleasure of welcoming two new members to ETP4HPC.

Full members:

  • Verne Global - SME
  •  ESI Group - Corporate European Organisation

Associated members:



Verne Global provides data center services optimised for high performance computing (HPC) from our facility in Iceland. three key issues facing today’s data-driven research communities - power availability, pricing and sustainability.

ESI Group is a leading innovator in Virtual Prototyping software and services. Specialist in material physics, ESI has developed a unique proficiency in helping industrial manufacturers replace physical prototypes by virtually replicating the fabrication, assembly and testing of products in different environments.

PRO DESIGN Electonics gmbh is a German SME with about 95 employees. The company offers electronic engineering and manufacturing Services (E²MS) and is a leading provider of FPGA-based systems and solutions.


New Members  -  JANUARY-MARCH 2017

Since the beginning of 2017 we have one new member.

Associated members:


DCXperts has established a concept of developing a HPC/Data Center direct liquid cooling system characterized by modular design, two-phase liquid cooling, application of hot-flux dielectric engineering fluids, reuse of heat generated by the infrastructure for various purposes, allowing low PUE when installed.


New Members  -  October-December 2016

Since the end of  September 2016 we have one new member.

Associated members:

  • CIDETE Ingenieros SL- SME

CIDETE Ingenieros SL, is a European leading manufacturer of Thermoelectric cooling devices for electronic applications and telecommunications. CIDETE has over 35 years' experience in manufacturing Nano technologies.


New Members  -  July-September 2016

Since the end of June 2016 we have new comers to ETP4HPC, as it grows in size and momentum. We have had the pleasure of welcoming three new members. These are as follows:

Full members:

  • Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) – Research Organisation
  • University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M) – Research Organisation

Associated members:

  • Streamcomputing BV - SME


CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas) was formed in 1951 for the development and leadership of R&D projects in the fields of Energy, Environment and Technology, placing the institution at the forefront of science and technology. As a technological research centre, CIEMAT fosters links between academia and industry.

University Carlos III Madrid researchers have been working on high performance computing and parallel I/O for large scale distributed memory supercomputing architectures for several years with the aim of providing a collaborative environment.

Streamcomputing BV a Dutch SME optimises software and data-processing performance of existing code, programming CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs, giving training in HPC languages and developing high-performance software.


New Members  -  April-June 2016

ETP4HPC is growing in size and momentum as more organisations join us as members. Since the end of March 2016 we have experienced an influx of new comers, and had the pleasure of welcoming seven new members. These are as follows:

Full members:

  • Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) - Research organisation
  • University of Luxembourg – Research organisation
  • IT4Innovations national supercomputing center - Research organisation

Associated members:

  • The Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) Ltd./Inc - SME
  • Quantum ESPRESSO Foundation - Association
  • Simula Research Laboratory - Research Organisation

Associated Individual member:

  • Pr. Sabri Pllana, Linnaeus University, Sweden

Change in membership status:

  • Cray - Global organisation (changed membership status from Associated to Full member)


ENEA is a governmental non-profit research and development organisation and the missions of ENEA ICT Division are the operation of hardware and software infrastructures and R&D activities.

The University of Luxembourg (UL) is a Public Institution of Higher Education and Research. The UL HPC department organises, administrates and develops the existing HPC environment at the University of Luxembourg.

NAG is a not-for-profit SME that develops numerical software libraries, and delivers a range of services in HPC from procurement advice all the way through to application development and code optimisation.

Quantum Espresso Foundation is a non-profit organisation, which fosters and supports the design, implementation, maintenance, and free dissemination of high-quality, high-performance open-source scientific software for ab-initio quantum numerical modelling of materials.

Simula Research Laboratory is organised as a limited company owned by the Ministrey of Education and Research, and its main objective is to create knowledge about fundamental scientific challenges that are of genuine value to society.

IT4Innovations national supercomputing center delivers scientifically excellent and relevant research in the fields of high performance computing, and operates the Salomon supercomputer.

Pr. Sabri Pllana is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the Linnaeus University in Sweden.

Cray is a supercomputer company, which builds innovative systems and solutions that enable scientists and engineers in academia, government and industry to meet existing and future simulation and analytics challenges.

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