We are in charge of the following BoF session at ISC'24 in Hamburg -14 May 2024, 1-2pm, HALL E

TITLE - The missing 20%: Could the European HPC ecosystem supply and operate dedicated industrial-grade systems? ETP4HPC, the European HPC Technology Platform, tackling the preparedness of Europe’s advanced HPC resources for industrial use.


Thanks to the mechanisms of EuroHPC JU, Europe has now a significant pool of advanced HPC resources. However, the industrial use of these systems is well below the target of 20%, as businesses require a different approach from the one applied to academia.

A tailored approach is required that would remove the barriers, which would, among others, include the resolution of the following issues:

Reliability, predictability and elasticity in accessing the system, as companies operate to a tight schedule

Short data transfer time

Advanced security/encryption, as companies are reluctant to have their data leave their systems

A customised payment/cost system

Application licensing needs to accommodate the operational volumes of modern industry.

One of the potential solutions would be to make dedicated industrial-grade systems. 

But can the European HPC technology providers supply such systems? And can the whole ecosystem afford the implementation and operations cost of them?

The objective of ETP4HPC’s Industrial Use Working Group is to propose solutions that meet such expectations of the European industrial user within ETP4HPC’s Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) 6. The draft of the corresponding SRA chapter will be available at www.etp4hpc.eu/sra before the event. This BoF aims at verifying its assumptions, with a view to influencing the European HPC Work Programme and other investments managed by EuroHPC JU. 

This is the current draft of the corresponding SRA 6 Chapter.


Sai Narasimhamurthy - ETP4HPC, the European HPC Technology Platform, ParTec AG - Sai Narasimhamurthy is the ETP4HPC Office expert in charge of the ETP4HPC Strategic Research Agenda, and the Leader of ETP4HPC’s Industrial Use Working Group.

Gerd Büttner - Airbus - Gerd is Scientific Computing Architect at Airbus, a member of the ETP4HPC Steering Board.

Stephan Schenk - BASF - Stephan Schenk is the Product Manager for HPC at BASF SE in Ludwigshafen, Germany. 

Oriol Pineda - Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Dr. Oriol Pineda is Head of Infrastructure Access Policy at Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Spain), including the Spanish HPC programme (RES). 

Evangelos Floros - EuroHPC JU


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