An Industry-led
think-tank promoting
european hpc research
and innovation

In 2012, the EC recognized the importance of HPC for Europe, leading to our creation in December 2012. We are one of the 36 European Technology Platforms.  

As a private, industry-led, non-profit association, we promote HPC research and innovation.  ETP4HPC proposes research priorities and program contents through a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). It is used by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (JU) to define HPC Technology Work Programs. 

ETP4HPC is one of the three private members of EuroHPC JU, contributing to the development of competitive European HPC systems. 

vision & mission



ETP4HPC aims to establish a globally competitive European HPC technology value chain, leveraging the transformative power of HPC to boost competitiveness in science and business, expanding access for SMEs, and fostering international collaboration. 



Our mission involves designing and updating a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) to guide the long-term development of HPC in Europe, providing recommendations and support for its implementation, facilitating coordination with public authorities, fostering joint initiatives, supporting start-ups and SMEs, and representing the European HPC industry globally. 

 To do so, ETP4HPC proposes research priorities and programme contents through a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). It is used by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (JU) to define HPC Technology Work Programmes. ETP4HPC is a private member of EuroHPC JU, contributing to the development of competitive European HPC systems. 


ETP4HPC is managed by a Steering Board of
15 members representing: 


European controlled corporations:


International companies with R&D in Europe:

Current steering board


  • Chairman

    Jean-Pierre Panziera


    Graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, he started his career in 1982 developping new algorithms for seismic processing in the research department of the Elf-Aquitaine oil company. He then moved to Silicon Valley as an application engineer and took part in startup projects, including a parallel supercomputer for Evans & Sutherland in 1989. During the following 20 years, he worked for SGI as an application engineer, and then a Chief Engineer. In 2009, he joined Bull, now an Atos company, where he is now the current Chief Technology Director for Extreme Computing. 

    Jean-Pierre Panziera
  • Vice-chair for Research

    Daniele Cesarini


    He graduated in Computer Engineering from the University of Bologna (Italy) in 2014, where he also earned his Ph.D. in Electronics, Telecommunications, and Information Technologies Engineering in 2019.
    He is currently an HPC Specialist at Cineca High Performance Computing department where he works in the area of performance optimization and evaluation of next-generation HPC architectures to improve the roadmap of CINECA’s HPC infrastructures. 

    Daniele Cesarini
  • Vice-chair for Industry

    Richard Pitwon

    Dr Richard Pitwon is the founder and CEO of Resolute Photonics. He has more than 24 years transformational expertise in optical, photonic and quantum system interconnect, integration and architectures for data centre, IoT and data-communications applications as scientist and engineer...

    Richard Pitwon
  • Secretary-Administrator

    Hugo Falter


    Hugo Falter is a lawyer and long-standing member of the ParTec management team. He has been serving as Co-CEO and COO since August 2016. He is particularly responsible for fostering cooperation with global industry partners, industry associations, and European research and development centers, notably FZ Jülich.

    He is an active member of the Research & Advisory Group (RIAG) and a founding member of the European Technology Platform for HPC (ETP4HPC).

    Additionally, he is a founding member and managing director of the European OFS SCE mbH, an organization dedicated to promoting parallel data systems.

    Hugo Falter
  • Treasurer

    Guy Lonsdale


    Dr. Guy Lonsdale, CEO of scapos, got his PhD in Mathematics from the University of Manchester, UK. He has over 25 years of experience of industrial R&D in HPC. Before joining scapos he was in charge of the HPC research lab with NEC Europe. In support of Fraunhofer, he has been a member of the ETP4HPC Steering Board since its foundation and is currently its treasurer. 

    Guy Lonsdale


    Jean-Pierre Panziera


    Graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, he started his career in 1982 developping new algorithms for seismic processing in the research department of the Elf-Aquitaine oil company. He then moved to Silicon Valley as an application engineer and took part in startup projects, including a parallel supercomputer for Evans & Sutherland in 1989. During the following 20 years, he worked for SGI as an application engineer, and then a Chief Engineer. In 2009, he joined Bull, now an Atos company, where he is now the current Chief Technology Director for Extreme Computing. 

    Vice-chair for Research

    Daniele Cesarini


    He graduated in Computer Engineering from the University of Bologna (Italy) in 2014, where he also earned his Ph.D. in Electronics, Telecommunications, and Information Technologies Engineering in 2019.
    He is currently an HPC Specialist at Cineca High Performance Computing department where he works in the area of performance optimization and evaluation of next-generation HPC architectures to improve the roadmap of CINECA’s HPC infrastructures. 

    Vice-chair for Industry

    Richard Pitwon


    Dr Richard Pitwon is the founder and CEO of Resolute Photonics. He has more than 24 years transformational expertise in optical, photonic and quantum system interconnect, integration and architectures for data centre, IoT and data-communications applications as scientist and engineer…


    Hugo Falter


    Hugo Falter is a lawyer and long-standing member of the ParTec management team. He has been serving as Co-CEO and COO since August 2016. He is particularly responsible for fostering cooperation with global industry partners, industry associations, and European research and development centers, notably FZ Jülich.

    He is an active member of the Research & Advisory Group (RIAG) and a founding member of the European Technology Platform for HPC (ETP4HPC).

    Additionally, he is a founding member and managing director of the European OFS SCE mbH, an organization dedicated to promoting parallel data systems.


    Guy Lonsdale


    Dr. Guy Lonsdale, CEO of scapos, got his PhD in Mathematics from the University of Manchester, UK. He has over 25 years of experience of industrial R&D in HPC. Before joining scapos he was in charge of the HPC research lab with NEC Europe. In support of Fraunhofer, he has been a member of the ETP4HPC Steering Board since its foundation and is currently its treasurer. 

    His current EU project roles are: leader of the open call actions for the EuroHPC project FF4EuroHPC (continuing the series of Fortissimo projects supporting the take-up of HPC by SMEs); contribution to the management team for the CASTIEL-2 CSA, where the scapos focus is collaboration with and support for the HPC Centres of Excellence (CoEs); from June 2023, coordinating scapos’s contribution to the Inno4Scale project – focusing on the open call for innovative proof of concept studies addressing algorithms for exascale computing.

    our office

    We have a virtual Office. The members of our Office team are based in several European countries (France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Italy). They either work from home or are hosted by an ETP4HPC member. 

    The Office is in charge of editorial work for the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), general support for communication and administration, and more generally, all executive tasks under the Steering Board supervision. 

    Meet the team: the ETP4HPC Office Experts.

    • New Office Manager

      Gabriella Povero

      She is our new Office Manager, gradually taking over from Maike Gilliot. Gabriella graduated from Politecnico di Torino in Electronics Engineering. Since 2003, she has been with Istituto Superiore Mario Boella now Fondazione LINKS, where she led the International Cooperation team in the Satellite Navigation Research Area. In this role, she coordinated several European and national projects that focused on joint research and capacity-building actions while supporting European GNSS companies to...

      Gabriella Povero
    • SRA expert

      Michael MALMS

      Dr. Malms is an ETP4HPC Expert with a focus on the generation of SRA updates and future technical HPC roadmaps. He is now retired from IBM. Previous to his retirement, he held various technical and management positions in IBM System Development in Boeblingen and in the US. His main domain was pioneering...

      Michael MALMS
    • New SRA expert

      Sai Narasimhamurthy

      He is our new Office expert in charge of the ETP4HPC Strategic Research Agenda, gradually taking over the role of Michael Malms. Sai is Senior Technologist and Project Manager (R&D) working with ParTec AG. Sai previously headed EU R&D for Seagate Systems where he has actively led...

      Sai Narasimhamurthy
    • Member and Industrial relations coordinator

      Marcin Ostasz

      He graduated from the Technical University of Budapest at the Faculty of Electronics with an MSc degree, and he also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree awarded by Oxford Brookes University in the UK. Marcin has over 20 years of combined experience gained at various technical, project management, operations management,...

      Marcin Ostasz
    • Communication Leader

      Pascale Bernier-Bruna

      She holds a Master in Translation from Institut Supérieur d'Interprétariat et de Traduction in Paris. She joined Bull (now part of the Atos group) in 1986 and has since held a number of positions in technical documentation, marketing, and communication. She joined the HPC division in 2006. She is currently...

      Pascale Bernier-Bruna
    • Accountant

      Carolien Deklerk

      She is based in the Netherlands.

      Carolien Deklerk
    • Project manager for DestinE

      Caroline Blanke

      She joined us in 2022 to be our project manager for the DestinE project we are involved in - Strategic Technology Agenda (STA) for DestinE. Caroline currently is an EU Project Management Consultant at Neovia Innovation, and has a long experience of funded project management. She holds a Master in International Politics, International/Global Studies obtained in a double dregree programme from Sciences Po Bordeaux and Università degli Studi di Torino.

      Caroline Blanke

      New Office Manager

      Gabriella Povero

      She is our new Office Manager, gradually taking over from Maike Gilliot. Gabriella graduated from Politecnico di Torino in Electronics Engineering. Since 2003, she has been with Istituto Superiore Mario Boella now Fondazione LINKS, where she led the International Cooperation team in the Satellite Navigation Research Area. In this role, she coordinated several European and national projects that focused on joint research and capacity-building actions while supporting European GNSS companies to…

      SRA Expert

      DR Michael Malms

      Dr. Malms is an ETP4HPC Expert with a focus on the generation of SRA updates and future technical HPC roadmaps. He is now retired from IBM. Previous to his retirement, he held various technical and management positions in IBM System Development in Boeblingen and in the US. His main domain was pioneering…

      SRA Expert

      Sai Narasimhamurthy

      He is our new Office expert in charge of the ETP4HPC Strategic Research Agenda, gradually taking over the role of Michael Malms. Sai is Senior Technologist and Project Manager (R&D) working with ParTec AG. Sai previously headed EU R&D for Seagate Systems where he has actively led…

      Member and Industrial relations coordinator

      Marcin Ostasz

      He graduated from the Technical University of Budapest at the Faculty of Electronics with an MSc degree, and he also holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree awarded by Oxford Brookes University in the UK. Marcin has over 20 years of combined experience gained at various technical, project management, operations management,…

      Communication Leader

      Pascale Bernier-Bruna

      She holds a Master in Translation from Institut Supérieur d’Interprétariat et de Traduction in Paris. She joined Bull (now part of the Atos group) in 1986 and has since held a number of positions in technical documentation, marketing, and communication. She joined the HPC division in 2006. She is currently…

      Carolien Deklerk's portait


      Carolien Deklerk

      She is based in the Netherlands.

      Project manager for DestinE

      Caroline Blanke

      She joined us in 2022 to be our project manager for the DestinE project we are involved in – Strategic Technology Agenda (STA) for DestinE. Caroline currently is an EU Project Management Consultant at Neovia Innovation, and has a long experience of funded project management. She holds a Master in International Politics, International/Global Studies obtained in a double dregree programme from Sciences Po Bordeaux and Università degli Studi di Torino.

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