SC24 BoF: To compete or to collaborate – how to fuse Europe’s cutting-edge technology efforts with the global HPC endeavour?
The substantial and continuous public funding for the European HPC ecosystem has produced technologies ready to lead the global HPC efforts in the areas of dynamic modular supercomputing architecture (dMSA) as well as workflow and data/storage management. These areas present ample opportunities for fruitful international collaboration. This BoF organized by the European HPC Technology Platform (ETP4HPC) will discuss which lessons were learnt developing these technologies, reason how to leverage synergies to benefit the global HPC ecosystem, and brainstorm on specific projects to start a mutually beneficial collaboration.
Session leaders
- Marcin Ostasz, ETP4HPC
- Hans-Christian Hoppe, ParTec AG
- Miguel Castillo, BSC
- Thomas Mack, omnium rerum solutions GmBH