In 2021 ETP4HPC returns to its traditional European Bird-Of-a-Feather at SC21, with the session “Can fast be green? Opportunities and challenges for Europe when making HPC sustainable”. Our BoF session will be held online, an “Exhibit Hall Only” registration is sufficient to attend BoFs.
Legal requirements regarding the Environmental Total Cost of Ownership will soon be in place in Europe.
Sustainability is in direct contradiction with the current design of the value chain and its innovation practices and is bound to create resistance and conflict between the stakeholders. However, it will also create opportunities for HPC to contribute to the global notion of ‘green computing’.
We will juxtapose the views of two major stakeholders – technology provision (represented by the Fraunhofer) and software (Cineca) – in order to determine where the seeds of possible solutions exist and how to go about implementing them.
- Maike Gilliot of ETP4HPC
- Andreas Wierse of Sicos BW
- Franz-Josef Pfreundt of Fraunhofer
- Daniele Cessarini of Cineca