The ETP4HPC’s SRA 6 is available!

It’s an event that occurs only every two years! The ETP4HPC team is proud and excited to announce that the ETP4HPC’s Strategic Research Agenda 6, or SRA6, is published! This report reflects the state of the European Advanced Computing ecosystem, which includes High Performance Computing and associated areas such as Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing interactions.

The publication of Strategic Research Agendas has been one of the primary goals of the ETP4HPC since its inception in 2012. The Strategic Research Agendas have been published approximately every two years, which we think is a reasonable time window to see measurable changes in the HPC landscape.

We make this SRA available to the EuroHPC JU and in particular its RIAG so that it can feed the European HPC technology research programme, and, to the technology community in general – providing them a snapshot of the European HPC technology developments and needs at this time.

Until 2022, we released the SRA as one long document, but for SRA6, we listened to our readers and made it more concise. The challenge is to make it shorter without losing any key points or information, so we have created a summary document – the SRA itself – and then more detailed supporting documents on each topic, i.e. a series of White Papers (two white papers are already available as we publish this post, more will be available in the coming weeks). The white papers go into more detail on specific subjects, while the master document has a summary of the key outcomes of the work of the different working groups, which will be enough for most of our audience, including  policy makers.

We are organising webinars to present the SRA 6 and give to our audience an opportunity to exchange with the editor and authors:

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