Ready for the EuroHPC Summit Week 22-26 March?

The EuroHPC Summit Week will be held from 22 to 26 March 2021,  as a fully digital event.  

Register – free of charge – to attend a wide selection of workshops and talks where experts from academia and industry will present their advancements in HPC-supported science and engineering. The full programme is detailed here>


ETP4HPC is proud to be co-organiser with PRACE of this event endorsed by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and hosted in 2021 by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – Computação Cientifica Nacional (FCT-FCCN).

ETP4HPC is specifically involved in the following sessions,  don’t miss them!

– 25 March, 12:00 – Green HPC Session

The multiple facets of energy-efficiency in HPC, with testimonies on datacenter efficiency (CSC), system efficiency (E4) and code efficiency (Sorbonne University)
Co-organised by our Pascale Bernier-Bruna

– 26 March, 13:45  – The TransContinuum Initiative – from concept to action, by our Michael Malms

– 26 March, 15:30 – Delivering HPC in a sustainable manner, by our Maike Gilliot

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